Most people can travel overseas, mostly for vacations and for some others. Either way, traveling is a kind of privilege that not everyone has. Most

These fairs are held throughout the month at various locations and if you love handmade gifts, you should definitely attend this event. There will be
This European-style winter fair boasts more than 150 local and national vendors offering an impressive selection of handmade gifts, from jewelry and accessories to leather

Indiana One of the oldest fairs in the United States is held in Indiana in August. It is especially known for the great hog barn,

As soon as November arrives, European cities begin to prepare actively for Christmas. Wreaths, garlands, and spruce branches decorate store windows and house fronts, and

This fun and a little crazy celebration takes place in one of the main wine-producing regions of Spain. If you want to take part in

The first Patio Festival in Cordoba was held more than a century ago – in 1921. And in 2012, UNESCO granted it the status of